Alumni Programs
continued support for our community
Stowe programs don’t end when you return home. Stowe Story Labs is dedicated to supporting our community of screenwriters, filmmakers, and creative producers through a range of programs and mentorship opportunities.
As an alumni of Stowe Story Labs, you get exclusive access to programming to continue to support your professional development and move your creative projects forward.
In addition to various community groups on Facebook, Slack, and this website, we also offer program benefits and exclusive programs for alumni.
Future Labs & Retreats
Once admitted and having attended Stowe Program, alumni are able to register for full-fee slots at certain future labs and retreats without a new application.
One-on-One Mentoring
Alumni have access to one-on-one mentoring sessions with our mentors. Each program is custom built for each participant, and sessions can cover topics such as:
1-hour script note sessions
1-hour feedback sessions on loglines, synopses, treatments, and/or look books
Up to 1-year of ongoing mentoring
Fiscal Agency
Stowe Story Labs admits select alumni projects into its fiscal agency program, which grants accepted projects the capacity to solicit tax deductible donations and receive grants to support the development of films. Please read about our fiscal agency program here.